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Palestinian Presidential Election: Preliminary Statement of the NDI and Carter Center International Election Observer Delegation

The Carter Center partnered with the National Democratic Institute on a delegation to observe the Jan. 9, 2005, Palestine presidential election; both organizations observed the 1996 election of Yasser Arafat. Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter was co-leader of the delegation.
Jerusalem--This preliminary statement is offered by the National Democratic Institute's international election observer delegation to the January 9, 2005 Palestinian presidential election. The delegation, organized by NDI in partnership with The Carter Center, was led by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, former Prime Minister of Sweden Carl Bildt and former Governor of New Jersey and Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency Christine Todd Whitman. It also included current and former legislators, former ambassadors, elections and human rights experts, civic leaders and regional specialists from 15 countries in Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, North Africa and North America. The delegation visited the Palestinian territories from January 4-10 and deployed 80 observers to the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.

Read the full statement (Adobe pdf)

The Carter Center and the 2005 Palestinian Presidential Elections
Read the arrival statement

Carter Center to Observe the 2005 Palestinian Presidential Election
Read the announcement of the observer delegation

Read the announcement of the assessment statement

Read the full text of the pre-election assessment

Read more on the Center's observation of the 1996 Palestinian election


National Democratic Institute and Carter Center election observers talk with a voter as polls open Jan. 9, 2005, in Al E'zariyeh. Left to right: Unidentified voter, former New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman, former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, and interpreter.

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